↑ OpenArena development blog accessed on October 28 th, 2008.**UPDATE 22 January 2021 from The Pony Club**.↑ OpenArena roadmap accessed on October 27 th, 2008.CAIA Technical Report 070808A", August 2007 ↑ Lucas Parry - "元DGEWorld 2.1 Input & Output Specifications.Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP)", Barcelona, Spain, July 2007. ↑ Peter Eisesrt and Philipp Fechteler - "Remote rendering of computer games.
OpenArena is also popular on the Apple Macintosh, with one reviewer praising it as one of the best free games for the Mac, noting that it is only a little bit behind contemporary commercially funded games for the PC and consoles in terms of graphics and artificial intellgence. The game has also been credited for its creativity in bot design, rather than sticking to more traditional tropes. Internet play has also been praised, as well as the amount of players found on the average OpenArena server. It has also been praised for its portability and ability to run on older hardware.

The game is one of the most popular free software first person shooters, particularly among fans of the original Quake III. Unlike the original Quake III or Unreal Tournament there is no back story explanation of why the combatants are in the arena and why they are fighting.

OpenArena has been advertised as a " sexy" first person shooter and warns that some models are near nude (only covered with tight clothing or hair), in addition to the game's violent theme, it is "not appropriate for children." The various bots and player skins are just as varied as the map design, some being science fictional, gothic, anime, military, and fantasy based.
A list of mods verified to work in OpenArena can be found here. Since OpenArena is not fully completed, many maps and mods are not yet compatible. OpenArena has undergone testing to make sure that it is compatible with Quake III modifications and maps - to allow them to be run on a free game as well. added new modes such as Elimination, CTF Elimination, Double Domination, and Last Man Standing. The game has multiple playing modes such as Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Tournament, and Capture The Flag (all of these modes are from Quake III), Version 0.76.

The gameplay is very fast and requires skill to be successfully played against other players on the Internet. These maps can also have different interactive objects such as lifts and jump-pads. The maps are very varied, some of them set in a science fictional environment, some in gothic temples, some in massive fortresses, and some in lava landscapes. There are also a variety of collectibles available on the maps such as health and armour upgrades and objects that gives the player special abilities such as the notorious Quad Damage which increases the effectiveness of the player's weapon. There are a variety of different weapons designed for different situations, such as a rocket launcher, shotgun, railgun, gauntlet, chaingun, and BFG. The player scores frags to win the game, to score a frag the player has to slay an opponent, either a computer controlled "bot" or a human player. Due to the game's heritage, the gameplay of OpenArena plays almost identically to that of Quake III Arena.